A young woman with short, wavy brown hair

Connecting You To What's Next

Our mission is to help college students learn about careers that relate to their major. We connect them to first-hand experiences such as job shadows, internships, jobs, and other opportunities.

Learn More

college students
Career Launchpad

So you’ve selected your major. What’s next?

Understand your major of interest and build confidence in your life after graduation. Use our resume builder and connect to our job shadowing, volunteering, internships, and employment opportunities.

Job Shadowing




So you’ve selected your major. What’s next?

Understand your major of interest and build confidence in your life after graduation. Use our resume builder and connect to our job shadowing, volunteering, internships, and employment opportunities.

Better Results
college students

Why Unext?

3X Faster resume creation
2X Lower Recruiting Costs
Reducing Turnover Rate
Increasing Career Understanding
hello world

How our data works

We use data to properly connect students, help the recruiting process, facilitate finding the right careers, help draft strong resumes, give right feedback, increase candidate targeting...

Major Confidence for the Perfect Career Path

smiling student in front of interviewersstudent in front of laptop

Unext is dedicated to providing a platform for career exploration and preparation by providing students with comprehensive insights, practical experiences, and personalized guidance to enable them to make informed career decisions to confidently embark on fulfilling career journeys.


  • Help the next generation of talent
  • Build equal learning and opportunities
  • Build stronger communities
  • Increase career happiness

Our School and Employer Partners